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Our 3rd grade students will be taking their Beginning of Grade Reading Test on Wednesday, September 2 and we know that they are going to do a great job!

We will be having our Fall Field Day on Friday, September 4. This is always a fun day and it takes several parents volunteers to make it go smoothly. If you’re interested in volunteering, please call the school and we will put you in contact with one of our PTO volunteer coordinators.

Volunteer training for anyone (parent, grandparent, friend, neighbor, community member) who is interested in volunteering in any capacity at JVES this year will be held on Friday, September 4 at 2:30 pm in the cafeteria. This will be a very short training session so you may park your car in the car line, attend the training, and be back to your car in plenty of time to pick up your child in car line.

Grade level curriculum nights are scheduled as follows:

Kindergarten: 9/24 at 6:00 pm

1st grade: 9/10 at 6:00 pm

2nd grade: 9/3 at 6:00 pm

3rd grade: 9/15 at 6:00 pm

4th grade: 9/17 at 6:00 pm

5th grade: 9/8 at 5:30 pm

Please make every effort to attend your child’s grade level curriculum night. This is a great opportunity to get to know the teacher better and to truly understand the standards and expectations of the grade level. Curriculum night is probably the most important meeting of the school year for parents!!




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