Home / JVE Slideshow / October (and every other month) is Anti-Bully Month at JVES


I have attached a copy of our Anti-Bully Promise so you read it and talk with your children about it. We have 5th graders that read this promise on the intercom each morning to the entire school. The biggest gift we can give students with regard to bullying is self-confidence and assertiveness. However, they also need to be able to tell the difference between something they can handle by themselves and something that they need to tell an adult. Please talk to your children about this topic in a realistic and matter of fact manner. Emphasize that the skills they are learning now will be skills they will use for the rest of their lives because bullying is not just an issue with children, it is an issue with people of all ages. Thank you for your continued support as we all try to daily do what is best for all of our JVES students!

Anti-Bullying promise


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