Here is a list of events happening between now and the end of the school year:
Thursday, 2/28/19, during the school day: Ident A Kid photos made for badges
Monday, 3/4/19, 2:00-6:30 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive in the gym
Thursday, 3/7/19, 1:45 pm & 6:30 pm: 4th Grade Music Program in the gym
Tuesday, 3/12/19, during the school day: Picture Day
Thursday, 3/21/19, 6:00-7:30 pm: Family Code Night in the library (PreK-5th grade)
Friday, 3/22/19: 12:30 dismissal
Monday, 3/25/19: Teacher Workday
Monday-Friday, 4/22-26/19, during the school day: Book Fair in the library
Tuesday, 4/23/19, 9:00 am: Uprising Kindergarten Registration in the library
Tuesday, 4/23/19, 6:00-8:00 pm: STEM Night in the gym and cafeteria (PreK-5th grade)
Friday, 4/26/19, during the school day: 3rd grade Living Wax Museum
Thursday, 5/2/19, 6:00-7:00 pm: Student Authors’ Celebration in classrooms
Friday, 5/3/19, during the school day: Walk a Thon
There will be other events added but we aren’t certain of dates yet so make sure you listen to Mrs. Hollingsworth’s phone messages and check your child’s agenda book daily for updates.
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