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Jonathan Valley Elementary School has been named a national finalist for the 2013 National Title I Distinguished School Award. The award is given each year in two categories (1) Sustained Student Achievement and (2) Closing the Gap.  Jonathan Valley is in contention for the national award in the category of Sustained Student Achievement.

Dr. Anne Garrett, superintendent said, “We are so proud of Jonathan Valley Elementary School. They are a model school that focuses on every child learning every day.”

There are 1,250 Title I schools in North Carolina. To be recognized as a “Reward School” the school must have a free and reduced lunch rate over 50% and have outstanding student performance for three consecutive years.

Earlier this month Bethel Elementary School, Central Elementary School, Hazelwood Elementary School, Jonathan Valley Elementary School and Meadowbrook Elementary School were recognized as “Reward Schools” representing the top ten percent of Title I Schools in the state.  As a National Distinguished School finalist, Jonathan Valley Elementary School represents the top one percent of schools in the state.

The award is based upon three consecutive years of high academic performance in schools with high poverty rates. During the last three years, Jonathan Valley’s free and reduce lunch rate has been over 50%. During the same time period, the school experienced “high academic growth” and a “performance composite” of students passing state and federally mandated tests at a rate over 90%.

Heather Hollingsworth, principal said, “This National Title I Distinguished School recognition proves that all public schools are not broken.  It is wonderful that the hard work of our students and staff is acknowledged in this way. ”

As a 2013 National Title I Distinguished School nominee in the category of Sustained Student Achievement, Jonathan Valley Elementary School has been invited to attend the North Carolina Association of Compensatory Educators (NCACE) Conference in Greensboro. A ceremony honoring the achievement of the school will be held on Thursday, October 31, 2013.


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